Pennant Robertsitis

Time Squad

Series A, Episode 4. First broadcast on Monday 23 January 1978.

Episode 4

This week on Maximum Power, the crew discover a life support pod floating in space, full of frozen leather-clad homicidal maniacs, but Si’s not frightened, he just looks murderous. Meanwhile, James has a chip on his shoulder and another in his head, his punishment for killing a security guard, but he had no choice “you see, he killed my woman."

Arriving at Saurian Major to destroy the Federation communications complex, the crew meet oddly telepathic freedom fighters Peter and Simon, who’ve been hiding in the hills and avoiding the plants, several of which have designs on their bodies. Will these plucky newcomers return for more episodes? Well yes, if the teleport works in time.

Brace yourself for veiny weirdos and underwhelming explosions as we discuss episode 4 of Blake’s 7 - Time Squad!

Recorded on Sunday 9 May 2021 | Duration 0:54:28 | Download MP3 | Episode Gallery

Space RADA

Cygnus Alpha

Series A, Episode 3. First broadcast on Monday 16 January 1978.

Episode 3

And now on Maximum Power, Brian Blessed stars as Space Jesus in episode 3 of Blake’s 7 - Cygnus Alpha!

This week, on discovering giant off-camera rooms full of jewels and clothes, Si and Mark decide to try their hand at cosplaying late 70s beige sci-fi TV shows. Col is too busy being telepathically manipulated by the ship’s computer to notice what’s going on. Brendan discovers he can handle two Liberator space hairdryers with ease, while crushing polystyrene bracelets with the other hand, and Pete presses some random buttons on the teleport and discovers that Brian Blessed contains a small controlled BBC pyrotechnic display when beamed into space.

Recorded on Sunday 9 May 2021 | Duration 0:52:12 | Download MP3 | Episode Gallery

Space Grouting Peril

Space Fall

Series A, Episode 2. First broadcast on Monday 9 January 1978.

Episode 2

And now on Maximum Power, an army of five, plus him, comes together!

In this episode Colin is upping the suppressants in his fellow podcasters’ rations, he likes 'em docile. James finds out that the limit of his world from now is mess facilities, sleeping bays, a recreation area. Nathan has been practising his magic tricks to distract the guards. Pete wonders if he’s ever met an honest man, and Si is noting down everything that was said or done by everybody for his report. Join us as we look at the second episode of Blake’s 7 - Space Fall.

Recorded on Saturday 1 May 2021 | Duration 0:46:51 | Download MP3 | Episode Gallery

I Love the Lack of Apostrophe

The Way Back

Series A, Episode 1. First broadcast on Monday 2 January 1978.

Episode 1

And now on Maximum Power, drugs, sex, show trials, massacres and women being pulled by the hair, in the first episode of the new family space opera, Blakes 7!

In this episode, Colin has had vis-tapes from his family twice a year, so everything is obviously fine. James has gone without food or drink for 36 hours and is hungry and thirsty. Nathan has been thinking about leaving the dome and going outside, which we all know is a category 4 crime. Pete has been bopping away to his vidi-walkman all through his shift in the records office, and Si has had his head adjusted by some of the best in the business, but it just won’t stay adjusted. Join us as we all look for The Way Back!

Recorded on Saturday 1 May 2021 | Duration 0:53:15 | Download MP3 | Episode Gallery